APA Heritage House tours occurred every
other year
starting in 2010.
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Click here to read Donna Janke's blog post on the Heritage Homes of Armstrong's Point |
Armstrong’s Point – These Are The Good Old Days
By Heather Emberley
History will come alive Sunday, September 7/14 from 11:30 – 4:30 when Armstrong’s Point hosts their Heritage House and Garden Tour.
What began as a subdivision in 1881 for Winnipeg’s elite settlers remains a tranquil hidden jewel two km from city centre.
Visitors will have the opportunity to step back in time when the residents of this picturesque enclave will open their doors to 7 houses, 9 gardens, streets and hearts to the public.
Originally a rural location and meeting place for aboriginal residents, the “Gates” as the little bend in the Assiniboine River is now known, was sold in 1870 to Francis E. Cornish for $1,000. In 1880, Joseph F. Hill won his claim to the area in a court case and the rest as they say, is history. He subdivided the land into what now is 125 homes. As a result of the Great Depression and WW2, Armstrong’s Point lost many fine examples of Victorian and Edwardian architecture to bulldozers.
Ambiance aside, Armstrong’s Point is guardian to one of the few remaining parcels of remnant boreal forest within the city limits. Along with the iconic Cornish Library, the area is, as CBC’s Bill Richardson says, “a step out of time.”
Along with 5 other notable houses, this Tour will include the house that books built, namely Ralph Connor House, former home of Manitoba’s most famous author of the 1800s, Rev. Charles Gordon, and the River Gate Inn, formerly known as the Riley residence (i.e. 7 houses in total).
There will be a variety of opportunities to celebrate the exquisite cultural and historic moments with displays such as the Winnipeg Antique Car Club and their beautifully restored cars.
For a true flavour of life, there will be Croquet game demonstrations at one of the homes and at 2:30 p.m. street conversation with the Tweed Riders Club, all in period costumes.
The Gates will be alive with the sound of music thanks to Harlequin Barber Shop Quartet who will serenade visitors at the house tours. Winners of the Senior Idol competition in 2013 and Judges Choice Winner at Virtuosi’s Got Talent in 2014, Hareld Driedger, Larry Hunter, Paul Bullock and Rob Smith all say that their greatest pleasure is sharing their love of music with audiences, such as the Armstrong’s Point Heritage Tour.
Along with a street musician playing the accordion, a quintessential outdoor music experience will be provided by Gerrit Jan De Orgelman and his De Bommstam Street Organ. Built in 1911 and one of only six in Canada, the organ works by air pressure, generated by a set of bellows. As he turns the handle, it moves a cardboard book through a set of teeth, much like a player piano. The result is an amazing sound that enthrals the listener.
Tea, cotton candy and local produce from My Farmers’ Market will be available on East Gate, Middle Gate and West Gate for those who work up an appetite taking in all the adventures of the day. A feast for the eyes will be an Art Show at #6 East Gate showcasing local artists.
Recently, The City of Winnipeg used Armstrong’s Point as the Heritage Case Study to help develop a model and process to be used for neighbourhoods that wish to become officially designated “heritage”.